Sant’Egidio is a Christian community spread over 70 countries around the world. Prayer, Poor, Peace are the center of the free and voluntary commitment of its members
It is known all over the world for its social and religious commitment work for peace and dialogue, campaigns for rights, such as health in Africa and the abolition of death penalty.
Today Sant’Egidio is present in more than 70 countries with over 60,000 members and a wider circle of sympathizers and friends who actively collaborate in various initiatives. It was founded in Rome in 1968 by the historian Andrea Riccardi when he was still at secondary high school. Its president is currently Marco Impagliazzo, professor of contemporary history.
In the spirit of the Second Vatican Council and open to the contribution of anyone who intends to work for peace and defend the weakest, the Community gathers people of all ages and social backgrounds, who feel commitment to others is a priority, first and foremost to the poor.
The characteristic that distinguishes it is the gratuity: no one is paid for the service they perform as a volunteer and all the initiatives are carried out with the contribution of those who intend to support them.
The main commitments of Sant’Egidio in the various continents are:
- fight against extreme poverty and support to homeless people;
- support for lonely elderly people and in difficulty, awareness campaigns to overcome institutionalization;
- reception and integration for immigrants, also through the project ‘humanitarian Corridors’ since 2016;
- “schools of peace” to promote the schooling of children in difficulty and education to living together;
- support for “street children” in Africa and Latin America;
- campaign for the rights of people with disabilities to work and have a fully integrated life;
- commitment in Africa for the treatment and prevention of AIDS and other diseases;
- campaign for birth registration against oblivion in Africa;
- initiatives to promote peace in various areas of the world, especially after the peace agreement for Mozambique, signed in Rome in 1992 thanks to Sant’Egidio;
- promotion of inter-religious dialogue to contribute, not only to mutual knowledge and respect, but also to build peace.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus emergency, observing the necessary precautions (social distancing, masks, etc.) we have continued to keep our soup kitchens open, we have brought food to those who live on the street and opened new distribution centers for food and basic necessities in many Italian cities to respond to the growing food need caused by the increase in poverty.